Friday, January 28, 2011

Science Fair

Speaking of child-directed projects, this one was a highlight of my kids' lives! Before Christmas, our lovely science teacher announced her plans for a science fair, and made it open to any classroom or full-time-homelearning students (that would be us) who might be interested. Instantly both of my kids jumped at it.

Taliesin decided to work on his plans for oxygenating Mars' mostly-CO2 atmosphere by delivering plants and water to Mars to do the work for us. Anybody who knows Tal knows that he is constantly coming up with these ideas, and drawing vastly elaborate pictures of how his machines and plans will work... but he rarely documents enough that others can interpret his plans. This time he began with a space-ship drawing, and I made it very clear that the people looking at his project would need to understand what it was all about, and that he should think it through with a mind toward sharing his ideas, instead of just keeping them for himself. "Of course!" He said, as if that was always the plan... And he set to work researching in his various books, getting us to Google things with him (we don't let him Google without us, yet), and making serious plans. Most of his interest was in the molecular and atomic makeup of CO2, as well as in photosynthesis and carbon cycles, so that's where he went with it. He also ended up being interested in the complications of having to deal with hypobaric and extremely cold conditions for his project. The spaceship plans remained a bit vague. At one point (when he'd tentatively decided that the plants had to be in greenhouses to keep the air pressure up) I asked him how he was going to deal with the air-pressure issue, and he said "well either with a pressurized greenhouse or with changing their genes so it doesn't matter". I was a bit stunned, even though I knew he'd been reading about the possibility of genetic alteration. "You mean you'd genetically modify them? That's interesting!" To which he widened his eyes and declared "Mama! I don't know how to do that, yet! I'm only eight! I don't have to do everything!" Right. I must have forgotten.

Click this to enlarge if you want to read it. Click 'back' to come back here.

When I asked Rhiannon, who is six, if she'd thought of a science fair idea, she told me that she was already prepared ("Just come look!"). She had carefully lined up all her babies from biggest to smallest on the floor. "I'm doing childhood development! I'm going to show them all how my babies grow up from newborn to six, since I'm six so that's all I know about!" She then produced a drawing of sperm racing for an egg, making various competitive comments to each other. We eventually convinced her that a science project was a nice opportunity to see what other people think, too, so we found various sources of information on fertilization, growth, and development, and she ended up making a book all about it, with drawings for every age she decided to write about, some development milestones either copied from her sources or creatively-spelled, herself, and photos of herself at the same ages, which we painstakingly helped her pull out of the heap of photo-CD's. I was quite impressed with how she pulled it all together! She then enlisted my advice to bind it into a ribbon-book. She also found a baby scrapbook at the recycling depot and filled it in for her 'eldest' baby, Ganga. And because she found herself ready with a few days to spare, she then whipped off another book about "the love of a brother and sister", in a couple of hours, without any help or input from us. Let it never be said that my daughter is not productive!

Click this (and the next one) to enlarge if you want to read them. Click 'back' to come back here.

For both children this was an amazing experience. Tal was able to really stick with something and develop it in depth, and he actually worked extremely hard at expressing and explaining his activities and ideas, and creating a finished product (his display board) which is very unusual for him. Then he invited his dearest friends to come to his Science Fair and see what he'd done, and he was so wound up with joy and pride that he was nearly vibrating as he carried his enormous project up into the building. Rhiannon's big accomplishment (in my opinion) was her willingness to take some advice and actually look up some information about development. After she had declared that she already knew everything there was to know about it, I was quite pleased to see her accept a little outside input. She has always been very interested in babies and medicine, so it's nice to see her expand in that area, a bit.

And then there was the rest of the science fair! Projects ranged from in-depth bird-studies to physics, chemistry (and smoke-bombs!), music with wine-glasses, human anatomy, electricity, and even a septic field. We were all very impressed and happy with the variety and enthusiasm exhibited, there, but above all it was wonderful to see our children share their hearts' passions and find themselves in a supportive community of other inspired kids.

hard at work...

I'm posting this because this board is an enormous achievement for Tal. People tell him they're impressed with his scientific research on this project, but, as his parent, I know that the research is what he fills his brain with by choice 99% of the time. It wasn't even the slightest stretch for him. What was a HUGE stretch and accomplishment was sharing all that thought and research with other people in a way that they could read it... and thoroughly. He has never really liked to put much effort into describing things -- especially in writing. So for him to put this amount of effort into the writing he did for this project, and to have done it with such enthusiasm and pride, was a really huge accomplishment.
(Mama Pride)

Wow. Thanks!

We're listed in a "50 Best Blogs in the Unschooling Movement" article! What an enormous compliment!!

Rickshaw Unschooling:
Follow one family's educational journey through unschooling and pick up some seriously cool suggestions on raising experienced, intelligent, informed children.

The list is a pretty  good resource, too. Check it out:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wild (f)Unschool

Or maybe Wilderness (f)Unschool.

A dream is taking shape in my heart. This has been brewing for years, as you can see by reading back over this blog, for example here, here, and especially here, among other places. But it revolves around the theory of self-directed learning, learning through exploration, and, quite simply, being outside and in community. This is the dream Markus and I have always had for our children; this is why we are natural unschoolers.

What does all this mean? Well, let me try to lay it all out, although of course, life and truth being what they are (amorphous) this can't possibly be complete...

Learning Through Exploration: For us, learning means exploration. It means that nothing is more valuable than following inspirations and interests in adventures of discovery. It can be time- and energy-consuming for us, of course, answering every question to the best of our ability (sometimes we do research to get the right answers, sometimes we have long philosophical conversations, sometimes we go on fieldtrips to find answers or feed the interest, and sometimes we're just too tired to answer at all...). But we get as much out of this as the kids do. It has made our lives rich and meaningful. It's not only for our kids that we live this way.

When we walk out into the forest we explore. That is the point. We explore place, time, change, growth, and everything that is a part of life. This is science. In the falling, growing, and climbing of trees is geometry and physics; in considering them we have hypothesis, theory, and endless possibility (Mama, what if a tree was so tall that you could climb up all the way into space, then would the leaves be different at the top, where there's no air? Then we could build an elevator to get rockets out of our atmosphere and they could not have to use so much rocket-fuel!) What if! What if we come to the same spot of forest every week for the whole year, and sometimes it's bone dry and sometimes it's under a foot of water? We see so many changes as the year goes by, and we learn so very much about the world and our place in it. This exploration is the crux of all our learning. And this isn't to say that we don't learn inside, but certainly the outside adventures are the core upon which the inside exploration is developed.

Self-Directed Learning: Markus can talk to me all he wants about the specific caulking materials he's considering for the old wooden boat he's restoring -- he's spent countless days and hours researching this in books, online, and with boatbuilders. But I don't care. No matter how much it may matter to me that the boat I will one day travel on with him is safe and seaworthy, I just cannot force myself to care about how he does it. I'll help him caulk it when that day comes, of course. And then, in the act of it, I might even get interested. But now? No. So I ignore it. He, on the other hand, really couldn't care less what colours or fonts I might use for somebody's poster or logo, while I sometimes lay awake at night envisioning design choices I've made, and whether the specific colours will print right when my client sends it in to an unknown printer. Why should he have to care? He has chosen to design the working end of software, and sends it away to other people who make it look good (like me). (Yes we do work well together for website design, if you've wondered...) So if we learn as much as we do by following our personal interests, shouldn't our kids have the same opportunity? Of course! It has never occurred to me to care whether we can create an oxygen-rich atmosphere on Mars by employing plants to create it for us. It occurred to Taliesin, so we encouraged him and helped him to follow his inspiration and we all learned from it (Markus and I were the official Google-helmsmen, glue- and tape-dispensers, photo-documenters, and naggers as the Science Fair neared). Taliesin and Rhiannon (who studied infant development) both completed the biggest research projects of their lives for this Science Fair, and none of it was directed by us. They are justifiably enjoying some of the proudest days of their lives, this week. That is the benefit of self-directed learning.

When we walk out into the forest we rarely have an agenda. Sometimes there are bountiful wild foods to harvest and we get all inspired about them, then inspired about finding ways to cook, store and eat them; sometimes there are bountiful wild foods but we're distracted building a fort or exploring recent blowdown in a swamp, checking out the beaver lodge or discussing the apparent living habits of the various mythical creatures who might inhabit our forest. Each of these topics, among infinite others, is worthy of exploration. The important thing is that the adventure we've embarked upon offers us these endless opportunities for inspiration on our self-directed learning adventures.

Being Outside in Community: What are we without the world we live in, and the people we share it with?

I rest my case. There's nothing better than growing and learning directly in the world we were born to, and sharing the journey with people who also care. This growing together is how we develop the world we desire to live in.

So, now that we have some adventurous friends willing to join our adventures, how can we make the most of these days? That is the question, and this is where I'm beginning to see the dream develop. I'll keep track of it as it grows and changes on this blog. I think it would be a great thing to return to various local spots at regular intervals (maybe once a month) so that we get to know the individual stumps, trees, plants, water-bodies, etc. quite intimately, and to see them change throughout the year. I also think it's important that we find ways to interact with the places we visit in an ecologically sensitive way, so that we can all learn without compromising the ecosystems we benefit from. So. Some of my specific plans:

Places to Go Regularly:
Crippen Park and Meadow
Quarry Park
These places would give a general cross-sampling of various local habitats, and are few enough that we could return regularly, to notice changes.

Wild Food:
Because we do this anyway, and enjoy it, but also because I think it's really important that we all are aware of not only where our food comes from (much of what is available in the wild is related to the foods we buy), but also how connected we are to where we live. Harvesting, eating, and healing from the wild gives us a much deeper understanding and appreciation of the world we live in.

Yes, I want us to have a garden. I'm not sure where this will be, yet, but I think it's vital that the kids (and adults, too) have the opportunity to feel and touch the physical cycle of life. I hope that we'll be able to tend our garden for a short amount of time every week, before going out on our adventures. (Or perhaps at a different time, if the adventures aren't beginning at the garden.) This would mean that every day begins with taking stock (hands in dirt) of our garden's health and current condition, and considering our responsibilities and gifts. We can learn so much about nutrition, plant and insect life cycles, chemical and nutrient cycles, invasive vs. indigenous or non-invasive plant species', cooking, weather, seasons, etc. etc. etc. And did I mention joy?? I can't neglect to mention, of course, the joy and pride and incredible emotional and intellectual value of growing something with our own hands and feeling our own important place in that cycle of life and death and renewal.

I know my hopes and dreams will grow and change, so I'll update here as they do. Just so happy to feel the coming together of our community in something that has meant so much to us for all these years. Thank you, (f)Unschoolers!

Recent Kids' Junket

This is our third monthly kids' junket! The idea is to bring instruments and just play freely. There are kids here of all ages and abilities, from toddlers to teens, and even one who plays with a youth orchestra, but when we're here there are no rules and no limitations. As long as the instruments are respected, anything goes. No sound is unwanted and no sound is 'wrong'.

This video is of Rhiannon's "game". Her idea was that somebody would start playing, and others would join in one at a time, until everyone was playing. It's wonderful to witness the children so thoroughly enjoying themselves; so open to exploration of sound and sharing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Outdoor Learning in Norway

This video (which I cannot embed, so you'll have to follow the link) is about 21 minutes long, and discusses so much of what we value in our unschooling experience. Just sit back and enjoy the whole thing, and see how they follow their learning in sometimes unexpected but always valuable ways. So beautiful.

Our ideal is something similar to what these schools in Norway seem to be doing, but with less government-involvement, and hopefully freedom from routinized testing, etc. With our family's style of wilderness unschooling, we're 1/2 way there. Hopefully the (f)Unschool is the first step towards the next part: finding peers to join us on this fabulous journey!

Here's the video -- do commit to the whole thing; it's worth it!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rickshaw (f)Unschool

That's Taliesin's name for it! It's not 100% settled, but so far that's the name we're sticking with.

Once a week (starting last week) we get together with other unschooling-minded families and explore! First we explore outside, and then we come in and do some other type of open exploration. What a beautiful way to learn in community! Here's an inaugural photo of some of the 9 kids who came, last week. We made sock-puppets, among other things...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Last year our dear friends moved down to live on their boat in LA.We hope they won't be gone long, and we miss them terribly, sometimes, but of course we also wish them the most fabulous adventure possible. So I made them a tiny flag, last year. I had no idea what I was doing, and just sewed it up out of some little scraps of bright-coloured non-absorbent fabric. Well of course, a few months into it's bright-hot-windy life atop a California sailboat, there is pretty much nothing left of it. So I had to make a new one. This time I actually went and bought light-fast rip-stop nylon flag material from the Flag Shop in Vancouver, where the staff was all extremely helpful (and amenable to my wandering unschooled kids' curiosities). I managed to get all the fabric I needed from their scraps (thereby avoiding buying 10x the amount I needed), and got a wealth of valuable flag-making advice from their seamstress.

So here's the new flag; about 15 or 20 times the size of the last one, I think, and hopefully a lot more durable!! Suki and Jon's reactions and happiness were really SO worth the many many hours it took me to make this.

The sun is supposed to catch the light of the real sun... in this case it's a black hole sun, with Suki's coat showing through!

And now I've come to understand what a flag is. It's like a quilt or a tapestry. It's a piece of well-intentioned energetic magic, when it's done properly. The many many thousands of stitches (never mind that I used a sewing machine; it's still meditative) are a conduit for a constant flow of thought and energy. This flag has worked into it so much love and joy that it can't help but be the carrier of that energy into my friends' future. The symbolism grew out of that meditative work, but it's also a traditional part of a flag's power. The island on the flag is, of course, our island (the one they've left, with so many people who keep them in our hearts), and the wind in the sunlight is to give them good winds for coming and going... so they can adventure but will always be able to come back home when the time is right for them.

So that's my journey into meditative product-oriented energy work. Hm. I like it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

family field trips

Because we live on an island, we can take the kids on the ferry (home from the city) for free, as long as they're returning from educational activities. Well, ALL activities are educational, when you're an unschooler (actually they are even if you're not an unschooler, but that doesn't always work out as it should, when it comes to legalities). So anyway, we often make trips to town for such educational 'field trips', sometimes as often as once per week, and this December we managed a few. This most recent field trip was my Mum's idea, and we went with a whole lot of family: Opa, Nana, Uncle Adrian, Auntie Bree, and the four of us, too: We went to see Body Worlds! I had seen it before, but the rest hadn't, and I think it was very worthwhile. The kids were not upset, and seemed extremely interested. They and Auntie Bree took the longest in the exhibition, which we spent 2 hours in. I won't explain Body Worlds; if you don't know it already, you can follow the link. The kids had the easiest time understanding and appreciating the whole bodies. The separated parts, especially the more obscure things like the goiter/thyroid, cochlia, and spinal chord were difficult for them to relate to, since they couldn't really place them in context. Though some aspects are a little disturbing, emotionally, the work as a whole is a superb collection, and SO helpful to anybody wanting to understand humanity, both in its physicality and in our various emotional journeys. I admit that I have twice had an emotional reaction to the pregnant woman whose womb is opened up to expose her foetus, and also with considering the type of person who would make this his life's work, but those emotional reactions are part of understanding my humanity, so I welcome them.

And as for Gunther von Hagens: Thank You! I can't imagine how you do it, but I think that work like this is essential to our understanding of ourselves, of our neighbours, and of our place in the universe.

After Body Worlds, we went to have dinner with the extended Gallaher clan, for Uncle Don and Aunt Lande's birthdays. This is opportunity for gratuitous cute baby photos.... Aiden and Tali loves their Stockmar Crayons! (Disclosure: that link is a plug for my Dad's toystore, BC Playthings. He has sold those excellent crayons since I was a little girl, and I still have most of the set I had then, though we've had to replace a few colours... Also, the person colouring with them on the store's website is Rhiannon.)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mt. Collins

On the bright and sunny New Years Day we hiked up Mt. Collins behind our house for a beautiful visit to the frozen bluffs. I'll let the photos tell (most of) the story:

Hazel waiting around on the driveway for us to get ready and go: Well... are you ready?? I am being soooo patient, but I am also vibrating from expectation, and might not last much longer...

Ah -- reward. On the first bluff Hazel found an antler to chew.

Markus was invited to the special circus area to watch this show by Rhiannon.

...yes, he did put it back on the rock, after...

Rhiannon just collected the rock.

Pappa and Tal looking out at Killarney Lake.
One of the views we saw. You really need to click this to enlarge it, then use the back button to return to this post. Then check out Rhiannon's most excellent viewpoint, in the video, below:

Just over 9 years ago, Markus and I came up to this top bluff to get our Christmas tree.Taliesin was 6.5 months into his life in utero, at that point, making it an interesting and momentous occasion. This is the little stump from that tree we took, and Tal was happy to sit with the remains of "his" first Christmas tree for a photo!

The unidentified but elegant little mushrooms that Rhiannon found growing in the frosty moss.

Snack break!

Notes from Markus' father: These are ground cones (Boschniakia hookeri), sometimes called "Vancouver ground cone" (as opposed to another species, Northern groundcone). These grew from Arbutus roots; they are parasites on ericaceous plants, more commonly tapping the roots of salal.  When fresh, the flowers are dark wine red or more rarely yellow.

Natural Trampolines.

The view of the mainland and passage island.

Climbing down from the last bluff. You wouldn't perhaps expect (or maybe you would!) that after this perfectly well-executed hike/climb around the bluffs all afternoon, sometimes with the leashed dog attached to me, I would nearly trip while stepping out onto the flat road, afterward, and then, having avoided a fall, try to avoid stepping on the dog leash, and thence trip on the air in front of me and stumble out onto my knees on the road. oops. How embarrassing!

One of many many nice arbutus -- but a rare find in such a nice man.

Such a beautiful sunset to welcome us home!

New Year's Eve

For the first time ever, our little family spent New Year's Eve alone -- just the four of us. My brother was planning to go to town and my parents "upstairs" (which is really up the hill from us) had guests for the evening. We had invitations to two parties, and originally planned to go, but were just feeling too homey and tired. So we stayed home.

It was very strange to begin with, and hard to find the spirit in a holiday that frankly doesn't mean much to us (we celebrate the year passing constantly; New Year's is just an arbitrary day to us). But as the evening went on, we found our groove, and followed it. We made a bunch of yummy foods, began a puzzle that somebody had handed the kids at the recycling depot, and finally went outside to bang pots and pans at midnight. Then we sang Auld Lang Syne, as we always do. Then, magic happened. As we stood there on the frozen porch, looking out into the darkness across the property, a bright light emerged from the other side of the road. As it began bouncing down the lane towards the end of our driveway we recognized its gait, ran in to get our shoes, and ran out to meet it as it charged down the driveway. It was Uncle Adrian! Down the driveway he ran, banging his pot and pan, and we joined him so happily! Then of course we all went upstairs to awaken the grandparents from their quiet evening with guests. I was a bit nervous about interrupting them, but really -- it was midnight -- how could we not?! What a great evening! Family found in so many ways.

Friday, December 31, 2010


It is Markus' tradition to make gingerbread houses. We didn't quite have time for houses, this year, but he and the kids make plenty of gingerbread cookies, and decorated them with peppermint icing. Some will go to friends, but we are still well-stocked!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hanging Out with Auntie Bree, Hannah, and Grandpa

Auntie Bree invited us to the house she was house-sitting and hang out for the day. It was so lovely to just relax, shed all the responsibilities of being at home, and enjoy a quiet (cold and sunny!) winter day. At some point in the afternoon the kids played xylophone (loudly!) until both Auntie Bree and Grandpa fell asleep. Then mayhem ensued as they and Hannah took the living room apart and built a super-fort. Then, after and during this mayhem, I went to get Markus from work and Bree made us a wonderful risotto with beef and kale for dinner. We dined like royalty. I am grateful for my family, this year. Grateful for the time to spend with all of them and grateful for their openness, too.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Our Unschooling Schedule

So often people seem to come here looking for unschooling schedules. So I thought I'd just post up my thoughts about it. As annoying as this might be to some parents seeking a quick solution: I think it's really up to those involved to know what will work best for them. Isn't that the point of unschooling?

I think it's pretty much the same as baby sleep schedules: different for every family and for every baby, and it might change at any time, without notice!

Late Nights
Our family's sleep schedule was determined by our first baby... but it took me until he was about 5 to fully accept that. I used to be an early riser. Most of my life I've awakened with the sun, and gone to bed around 9 or 10. My son is a night owl. Tant pis pour moi. Since he was a very little baby he's refused to sleep until at least 10 PM; usually 11. Despite and because of this, I or Markus spent every evening rocking, singing, reading, and trying all sorts of guaranteed-to-work-or-destroy-you-baby-sleep-methods... to no avail. Taliesin went to sleep at about 11, and woke up around 9 or 10 the next morning. He enjoys breakfast about an hour later.

When Tal began preschool (the 3-year-old class started at 9AM), I would lovingly wake him at 8, dress him, and desperately try to nourish him with whatever few bites I could encourage him to eat before we left at 8:45. On non-preschool mornings I would wake him at 8 and feed him breakfast around 9. The next year, the preschool coordinator tried to convince me to put him in the afternoon class. But why? All his friends are in the morning class! "Well," she said, "I've been watching him for a whole year now. He doesn't really wake up until about 10:30, and the class is finished at 11:30. I think he'd get more out of the afternoon class. You could just let him sleep in in the mornings."

On to year two of preschool. The afternoon class went wonderfully (also partly because then his own Nana was teaching him!), and Taliesin got to sleep as late as he wanted.

And so things have continued. He has attended other early-morning things in the past few years, and for the most part they've gone all right. He just manages on less sleep, those days (but rarely falls asleep any earlier on those subsequent evenings). Rhiannon has always gone to sleep at more typical times: 7, and now 8 or 9. She wakes up at about 8. She has learned to get herself a piece of fruit or some cereal if she's up before anybody else is, and she's quite considerate of Tal, who sleeps in the top bunk. Mostly she uses her mornings for reading, crafts, or snuggling and talking in bed with us. Bedtime is technically still 8PM, but we only really push that if it's been a long exhausting day. Mostly they go to bed at about 10.

The huge benefit of this sleeping arrangement is that we are able to attend pretty much whatever late-night events we want, as a family. My kids are out until midnight or later at least once a month for music events, theatre, field-trips, or other such highly-valued and cherished homelearning experiences. We usually take it easy the next morning, but there's no serious repercussion.

The downside to this is less grown-up time. And it can be a bit rough on Markus, who gets up at 5:40AM, 3 mornings a week, to commute in to work. But he's always been a night-owl, himself, so he never complains. And it means he gets to spend more quality time with his kids, since they're up for a good 4 hours after he gets home. He makes up for it by sleeping until 9 or 10 on most of the mornings he is home.

Weekday Activity Schedules
Since we use our schoolboard-granted homeschooling allotment for various extra-curricular activities (ironic term, because in our case they are the closest thing to curriculum we have), we do have a fairly rigid weekday schedule, which just means a list of activities we need to be at, at certain times: Annie's theatre school, Tal's theatre school, gym games, our adult ballet class that the kids join for the barre segment, Tal's violin mentoring, a couple of weekly pre-arranged visits with friends, etc. That leaves most days before 3 wide open, and we use these for whatever activities strike our fancy. And that's the point:

Whatever Activities Strike our Fancy!
I think that's the joy and purpose of unschooling. Sometimes we might have to create a temporary schedule just to make sure that we have time to do the things which our fancy has been struck with, but that schedule is transient, and flexible, and prey to the whims of the moments it tries to define. A common plan for meeting with other unschooling families is: "Sure -- we'll be there sometime before lunch and I'll bring something to eat. We can go for a nature hike." We may get distracted at home with some exciting project or activity, finally arrive at the friends' house at noon to find that they've already eaten, and are highly engaged in, say, comic-making. Then my kids sit down and eat on their own, and spend the rest of the day in an intense comic-making frenzy, learning reading, writing, story-telling, layout and sequencing, and probably countless mathematical, social or scientific concepts that come up with their comic-making. No nature hike. But a wonderful, typical day of unschooling. Unscheduled.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Boxing Day Christmas Train

 Auntie Mischa invited us all out to join them on the Stanley Park Christmas train, which we did quite happily! Then we went for dinner at Mischa & Mitch's house, and had a little extra Christmas time.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas photos...

This year Nana put a few things in the stockings, as well as Santa Claus. One was this charming mole puppet who plays violin. He's been a popular addition to the constant dramatics put on by Tal.

And in Rhiannon's stocking was this beautiful little Mme Alexandre doll who used to belong to Nana, complete with a little note asking Rhiannon to please look after her well. She was instantly loved, and has now been named Rose.

Christmas dinner: artichokes and duck. Yum! Thank you, Mum!

Hazel got to spend lots of time with her best friend, Tiel. Both were a little startled by the flash, though!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Giving and Receiving

We received little colour-in cards in the mail this year, with 3 crayons and pre-stamped, addressed envelopes to get them back to the children who will be spending this year at the Vancouver Children's Hospital. Because we have a far away friend who has spent more than half of the past year regularly staying in a Children's Hospital (leukemia), this idea really touched Taliesin and Rhiannon, (they also remember me sending a box of art supplies to our friends, to entertain them and the other patients at their Children's Hospital) and they worked hard to create something truly lovely for the unknown children who might receive their cards, in Vancouver, this week. After creating the things they'd thought of (the coloured card, a maze for entertainment, and some silly Christmas song lyrics), we were packing everything up and Tali noticed the enclosed paper, suggesting that any cheques would, of course, be appreciated. I explained that the Children's hospital was always in need of money to help the children, but that this year we had given money to other causes, and that the cards, love and happiness for the children might be all we could send. Tali said without hesitation "but I mean my money. I can send mine!" And I said, "Oh no - that's not necessary. They'll be so happy already with the things you've made for them." He looked totally downtrodden, and said bitterly "I can't anyway, because I don't have any cheques. I wish I had cheques." His concern and desire was so genuine I was moved to tears, and told him that I was sure it would be OK, in this case, to enclose a piece of his treasured paper money in a little envelope within the card. I found some little envelopes, and he pulled a 5 dollar bill out of his piggy bank and happily folded it into the envelope. He had one 5 dollar bill leftover. Then Rhiannon wanted to follow suit with her card! But alas, she had no paper money, so Tali gallantly agreed to trade her his remaining bill for $5 in change, and she included it with her card. Both children were so proud of their gift, and of course, so were we grownups.

Then it became time to celebrate friends. We've had some of the children's closest friends to visit this week, including Kai and Hunter, whom they haven't seen for about 6 months. It's been a wonderful few days, full of love and gratefulness. A bit of crankiness developing in the evenings since they've totally worn themselves out with all this visiting, but SO very worthwhile. This is the first year that both children have continued to behave beautifully throughout December. I, too, am blessed. Merry Christmas!

Making Christmas presents.

Tali's collection of things for an unknown child at the Children's Hospital. (Zoom in to read the song he made up; we thought it would be just fine to send some 8-year-old humour to entertain a like-minded soul at the hospital.)

Rhiannon packs up her newly-acquired paper money. The note she wrote on the card says '123 blast to home!' It was her way of wishing whichever child receives this what she imagines they most want: to go home from the hospital.

Showing Uncle her creations.

6 months away, and within a few minutes of being here, Kai drifted over the cupboard where, since he was very very little, this set of Zoomorphs has lived. "Um... do you still have that game of dinosaurs?" Well of course we do!! It's here for you!! I've asked Tal numerous times to just give it to you, and each time he refuses, claiming that he loves it... but he only plays with it when you're here. We're glad to have something here that you feel so at home with, dear Kai.

Hunter, on the other hand, seems always at home being crazy with Annie.

Speaking of being at home... Ethan was so comfortable at our house that he refused to eat the ham I'd made and said that he doesn't eat meat. Tali was rather disappointed that one of his dearest friends was choosing vegetarianism when he regularly declares himself a carnivore or 'meat-a-tarian', but Ethan did not waver in his conviction. Apparently he's been heading this direction for quite a while. I was honoured and pleased with the whole event.

Here, Rhiannon, Samantha and Katherine play babies, and dancing party...

...while Ryan and Tal create some inventions.