Friday, March 11, 2011

We are Parents of a Nine-Year-Old

In preparation for his birthday dinner, Tali and I went food shopping. The result? His choice of delicious baked sockeye, roasted potatoes, and a greek salad.
Tal requested a fruit-vlaai with raspberries and peaches. No candles allowed!
Tal's birthday was leisurely spread out over a few days, this year, requiring 3 cakes and various visits... and it's not over yet!! There will be a circus on Sunday, and sometime in April he plans to hike up Mt. Gardner to eat cookies at the top! Here are some photos from the past few days.

Friends came for cake, too!
Ryan made for Tali a very special card and a launchable paper airplane... and then accompanied the opening thereof with music!
Opa and Nana gave Tal a chemistry kit, and he and Ethan tried it out with great enthusiasm and care.

We have a little tradition of recording heights on birthdays... It's always a proud moment.


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